Thursday, October 18, 2007


Courage, it's old-fashioned and it still matters. Courage is not about exposing yourself to physical danger -- that's the easy stuff. Courage is about facing your fears. About speaking your truth. About doing what you know is right.

Here's the big idea: courage is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets. And like training your muscles it's best to start small.

You don't have to speak your truth to the CEO tomorrow. That's foolhardy. But you can be more authentic with your team mates. You can say "I'm sorry," to your partner and mean it. You can commit to speaking up in your volunteer organization instead of sitting back.

When you act from courage and do what scares you, your life immediately improves. When you take bigger risks, you get bigger rewards. Yes, sometimes you will fail spectacularly. When that happens I guarantee that you will find that you are stronger than you think.

So today, find a way to scare yourself into a bigger life.

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