Sunday, March 01, 2009

I Know Everything

I should be happy.
I should feel like a king.
My teachers don’t get it,
But I know everything.

School days are slow
And the boredom is rough.
Why don’t they know
That I know all this stuff?

I know it all, the meat and the fluff.
Though no one thinks I do.
They think I am just coasting,
They think I’m lazy too.

“You don’t know this stuff.”
They say and they scowl.
“It’s more like you’ve given up.
You’ve thrown in the towel.”

“If you know it so well,
Then why don’t you soar?
Why are your grades
So doggoned poor?”

Well, it’s hard to stay focused.
Sometimes I don’t listen.
But why should I try?
It’s not new stuff I’m missin’.

My scores aren’t so great
The tests, I just wing
It’s so hard to study
When you know everything.

Someday, my attendance< /o:p>
And knowledge will pay off.
I’ll graduate and the teachers
Will ease up and lay off.

‘Til then, I’ll endure.
I’ll be bored every day.
I won’t work for points
It just isn’t my way.

So I may bomb the tests,
And the homework, I fumble.
But my bad grades keep me
Intellectually humble.

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