Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Build a Positive Team

No one creates a joyful, successful life and career in a vacuum. We all depend on the support, energy and love of others to succeed. That's why it is so important to realize that there are many people in our circle of friends, co-workers and family that can sabotage us of our hopes and dreams and drain us of our energy. Instead of helping us build a life, they contribute to tearing it down.

No one knows this better than Pete Carroll, USC Football Coach and two time national champion. Pete knows the importance of building a positive team and from the moment his young players join the program he cultivates personal and collective team positive energy. Pete believes positive energy is so important that he has ingrained it in their culture, systems and processes. It's no wonder Pete has built one of the most successful college football programs ever.

There's an abundance of research that shows that positive people and positive teams produce positive and superior results. Everyone performs at a higher level when they are surrounded by a positive and supportive team. And as college football coaches scamper around the country trying to recruit the most talented high school football players, who wouldn't want to come play for a coach who brings out the best in them? When you build a positive team you attract more people who want to be on your team.

So now it's time to think about who's on your team? Then ask yourself, "Who do I want on my team and who needs to be off the team?" Who increases your energy and who drains your energy? Who will help you succeed in the game of life and who is sabotaging your success? Who is helping you be the best you can be and who are you helping to be the best they can be? Build a team of friends, family, and co-workers who support you, encourage you, and uplift you. Tell them of your goals and ask for their support. Ask how you can support them in their life and career.

Team members help each other. There is an exchange of positive energy. Once you have your team in place, consistently infuse your players with positive energy and watch your success and happiness soar. It works for Pete Carroll and USC and it will work for you.

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