Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I really enjoy blogging. Not that many people read them. I really enjoy participating in on-line communities. I really enjoy browsing the internet. But then, I just stopped.

There’s lots of reasons, I guess. For stopping for a while, I mean. None of them probably make much sense to you.

I don’t have a lot of time to give – it seems that I’m quite stretched out. So, for a while, I got jealous of that time and horded it. Life seems to be a matter of priorities and they all take time. My roles as husband and father take precedence. Then there’s social, spiritual, academic and relaxation pursuits. All of these are necessary for well-being and I was finding as I pursued these, on-line interests became a smaller part.

But, like life itself, such interests have ebbed and flowed, so that their order of relative importance has shifted, hence my renewed commitment.

Take all of the above and summarise: I needed a break.

In any case, I trust that you had an excellent festive season and that this year is shaping up to exceed all of your expectations.

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