Saturday, January 15, 2005

Over to the Dark Side

For years I have been an avid computer gamer. BC – Before Children, I spent many hours gaming. I also enjoy getting involved in the on-line communities which spring up around the common theme of a game.

Today I spend many hours gaming, but to a lesser extent, shoe-horning it in between many other things. It’s also a source of tension – people who don’t enjoy games don’t see how you can “waste so many hours” gaming.

So, it came as an incredible shock when for my birthday I was given an X-Box. Now, I’m very careful to limit the time I spend on it, but like all games the code warps time, so that the quick 15 minutes you allocate yourself soon becomes a double-digit measured in hours.

I also now understand what the console owners have been saying for years. I have enjoyed arguing the PC perspective when it comes to games, often referring to the games on the consoles as inferior. I’ve eaten humble pie and on it was written the word, “Halo”.

Must fly, bad guys to kill.

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