Saturday, November 05, 2005


We went towards the checkout line,
All were very long,
It didn’t matter which one we picked,
They all seemed equally wrong.
As we approached our chosen isle,
A man rushed in before us first,
He was keen to save himself some time,
And had an ego-driven thirst.
The aisle was 15 items or less,
He had 24 at my count,
He shouldn’t be in the aisle,
As his daughter pointed out.
He yelled abuse back at her,
And glared a challenge at me,
I pretended not to notice,
As there were other sights to see.
A lady lined up behind my spot,
Two tubes of toothpaste in her hand,
I invited her to go before us,
She didn’t understand.
I just said that it was silly,
For her to wait for me,
She thanked me quite fondly,
With compassionate sympathy.
The cranky man before her,
Refused to do the same,
People can be so sad and angry,
I think it is a shame.
Just as I was musing these impressions,
A worker came to me,
She invited us to come to the side,
She was opening a new isle, you see.
I asked the lady with the toothpaste,
To come over with us too,
She could go before us,
And then her job was through.
So, we both went through the checkout,
And looked for the angry man,
He was still five people from being served,
And at him I waved my hand.
I’m not a spiritual kind of person,
Such faith over before it begins,
But it’s nice to see that occasionally,
The good guy also wins.


1 comment:

Evy said...

Hey. I noticed that you commented on my old blog ( and wanted to say thanks and let you know I have a new one. It's

Feel free to check it out.

Have a great day!