Friday, December 09, 2005

What Makes A Good Teacher?

This was the heading on part of a major article on boys in schooling, published in The Australian on 6 January. The points made by the boys were:

Listens to what you have to say.
Respects you as a person; treats you like a friend and adult.
Is relaxed, enjoys their day, and is able to laugh, especially at mistakes.
Is flexible, adjusts rules and expectations to meet the needs of individuals and particular circumstances.
Explains the work. Makes the work interesting. Finds interesting things to do.
Does not humiliate you in front of the class.
Does not write slabs of work on the board to be copied.
Lets you talk and move about in the classroom.
Does not favour girls, or boys who do what they are told.
Does not keep picking on people who have a reputation, pushing them to retaliate.
Does not mark you down because of your behaviour.
Gives you a chance to muck up and learn from it.
does not keep telling you that you're no good and should leave school.
In most schools, fewer than 10% of their teachers were thought to meet the above criteria.

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