Saturday, May 13, 2006


Crickets telegraph current events,
As news hits their desk,
Moths answer with Morse Code,
Their wings' staccato beats strangely comforting.
A spider lays in wait, perfectly still,
Patience personified, energy conserved,
Waiting for that explosive moment,
When death can extend life.
Other spiders congregate collectively,
Gathering the errant and the misguided,
Showing them some measure of attention,
But not every one who notices you,
Is your friend.
Mosquitos hum with bloody intent,
Their tuneless meanderings a signpost,
I've heard that the one that hums is harmless,
The one that you don't hear bites.
Cockroaches scuttle smugly,
They are safe in such arrogance,
For with any global catastrophe,
They will inherit the earth.
Such interesting and powerful events,
Insects truly rule our planet,
Until I step on them and crush them,
Or until something bigger than them comes along.


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