Wednesday, February 28, 2007

V8s were regular record-busters

FORD'S V8 cars were among the fastest and most reliable - and affordable - cars during the decade of the 1930s, which made them the obvious choice for drivers who wanted to set or break inter-city records in Australia.
D.J. Sutherland and Flight-Lieutenant J. R. Balmer set a number of records in a 1934 Ford V8, during a marathon dash of 9,600km from Melbourne to Darwin.
They did it in five days, 20 hours and 53 minutes – a rather blistering pace when you consider the state of the roads in those days.
And then to prove a point, they turned around and drove back to Melbourne – covering the distance in just over seven days. On the return journey they were bogged several times in salt pans!

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