Sunday, December 30, 2007

Spot of culture

The original text placed here was found objectionable, so it has been removed.

I hope the photo is at least found to be in some way positive.



Anonymous said...

are you SERIOUS that you are an Australian school principal, and yet irresponsible and careless enough to drive one handed at 110 kph thru a tunnel while you took a photo, with that beautiful Bella in your car?!? your OWN safety is your own responsibility, but surely - at your age and stage - you should know you are/were being a risk to others, as well as to your beautiful new puppy, which was/is entirely dependent on you for it's safety, indeed it's life?!?

Signed: NOT impressed! - especially since you seem to be bragging about it, which only makes you seem like an even WORSE person.

Anonymous said...

OK - that sounds a bit narky... sorry. i was just shocked.

here is my blog, where you will find directions to a new website which you might enjoy, since you are, it seems, capable of being moved by dogs...i hope you enjoy it!

...and SLOW DOWN!

gotta go: the new year's eve fireworks have just started and my dog is getting stressed. Happy New Year to you.

Ymir said...

Yes, it seems I am a horrible person.

You're absolutely right.