Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Creating Readers

Creating Readers: Part I, Teacher Magazine, September 5, 2007 by Donalyn Miller
The Mentor
A self-proclaimed “book whisperer,” 6th grade language arts and social studies teacher Donalyn Miller says she has yet to meet a child she couldn’t turn into a reader. On average, her students at Trinity Meadow Intermediate School in Keller, Texas, read between 50 and 60 books a year; last year, one of her students read 300 books. According to school lore, Miller's 6th graders have been known to become so engrossed in books that they walk into walls and insist on being photographed with their favourite books in class pictures. Even her former students return to borrow from her library, which has more than 2,000 titles and extends beyond her classroom into a storage closet across the hall.
What is your secret? I would love to turn my non-readers into readers! How do you find the right book for your students?
We teachers must be at the top of our game about what the most current research has to say about best practices. Don't overwhelm yourself, though! I would pick one book or one workshop on a literacy topic that you feel you need help with teaching, look at ways to implement the new ideas into your class, and build on it. Your needs and the needs of your students are unique.
As for finding the right books, I read tons of children's literature and am familiar with most of the big name authors. I can usually read one or two children's books a week and still have a life! This provides me with a large pool of books that I can recommend to students. Often if I have not read a certain book, I have at least read something by the same author.
Please give us a list of the top 5 things that you do to inspire children to read.
1. Assume all children are readers and that they can be successful as readers from the first day. I communicate this to my students. I think many developing or dormant readers—I prefer these terms to "struggling" or "reluctant"—do not understand that reading is a skill that everyone can acquire. They see reading as a talent that they just don't have.
2. I share my personal love of reading, model my reading, and talk about the books. I read the books the children want to share with me. I let my students know that I am a reader, like they are, and that I am just a more experienced reader, not an innately better one. When I encounter challenges as a reader, I share this with them, too.
3. Choice is a powerful motivator for students! Although I do have genre requirements for the reading in my class, students get to choose which books they would like to read in order to meet these requirements. By providing this choice, I demonstrate that I value each student’s personal taste. This also shows students how we can each take a different reading road to meet our shared goal.
4. In addition to regular readers' workshop time, I give students time to read their independent books in class. There is evidence to support that children are more likely to read a book outside of school, if they have been reading it in school. I do not do "warm-ups" or "bell ringers." These activities do not contribute to kids’ reading habits.
5. When students come into to my room, they know that they have to get out their books and read until I start the instruction for the day. If they finish an assignment, they read. If the projector breaks, they read. If a teacher or parent comes to speak to me, they read. There are no "free” time or “when you are done” activities, only their books.
Do you use special books that you know will catch students' interest? If so, what are they? I would love to elevate myself to "book whisperer" also!
I teach 6th graders, so many of the books I use are particular to this age and their concerns about becoming middle schoolers. The first book I read out loud to them every year is the anthology of school stories, Tripping Over the Lunch Lady, edited by Nancy Mercado. This book is full of short stories, by well-known authors, which address topics such as being the new kid or having dyslexia, but most have a humorous tone. Our first shared novel is Sixth Grade Nickname Game by Gordon Korman. He is one of our favourite authors, by the way! This book tells the story of a group of students who are not the best readers, but manage to ace the state's reading exam by power-reading tons of books. (No need to explain why I use this one!)
We also have a fondness for the memoirs of Gary Paulsen. His fiction is superb, of course, but his personal stories, including Guts (which I also read aloud), My Life in Dog Years, and How Angel Peterson Got His Name are class favourites year after year.
By reading these three texts, students are exposed to about 15 authors who are prolific and write high-interest fiction. I can then make recommendations by reminding students how much they enjoyed these stories in class and lead them to more books by the same authors.
Do you begin this journey with your students by requiring they read a book? Some of my students would never pick a book up willingly! How do you get them started?
No matter what else we accomplish, all of my students pick a book to read the first day. I turn them loose in my class library and we all grab books and talk about the ones we have read. Everyone gets a library card. (I bought those lined cards that librarians use and keep them in a file box.) It never occurs to me, nor is it expressed to the students that not reading is an option. There is never a discussion about not liking to read or waiting for a better time. By making this priority one, I think that students understand reading is the most important thing for them to do.
As for requirements, I require all students to read 40 books in a variety of genres such as realistic fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, and non-fiction. I am vague about what happens if they do not meet this goal (which is really nothing), but I explain that every single reading lesson will circle back to some sort of application that involves the book they are reading. If I teach a lesson on conflict, eventually students will be asked to identify the conflict in their own book and provide evidence to support their observations.
Do you have special strategies for helping students with learning disabilities “meet the right book,” when they find reading to be such a chore?
The first thing for these developing readers is to get them to feel success as readers as soon as possible. Giving students choice in what they read and allowing them to abandon books—this does not mean, leave them in the hall—that are not working for them takes some of the pressure off these students and allows them to feel more in control of their reading. Many students have never been allowed by a parent or teacher to put a book down and walk away from it. This is certainly a right that adult readers exercise!
I would look for a short, easy-to-read book that taps into a personal interest. I often slip kids a new book that no one has read yet (except me, of course) so they can be the “first” or give them the first book in a high-interest series such as On the Run by Gordon Korman. Don’t attach any “teacher strings” to the book, no report, no comprehension questions, just a conference perhaps to see how it is going. After all, the last time I shared a book with a friend that I had just read, I did not whip a diorama out of my pocket!
The only goal is for the child to finish the book. Make a big, public deal when students start to finish books on their own. I have had the rest of the class drop everything and listen to the successful reader give a brief recommendation. I cannot describe the weight that is lifted off a student when they have successfully finished one book on their own. A lot of walls come down at that point.
How do you get reluctant and low-level readers to become interested in reading out loud in class?
We never, never read out loud in "round robin" or "popcorn" style in my room. Let’s think about our goal, which is comprehension. If half of your students are reading ahead and the other half are sitting in agony waiting to be called on, what purpose is being served? Comprehension breaks down for everyone. I consider reading out loud in this way analogous to standing at the board in front of the class to solve math problems. Children have told me that this is one of the main reasons that they hate to read in school.

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