Monday, June 16, 2008

You're Evolving Definition

by Matthew Horne

"There are moments that, when captured, will redefine who you are forever."

We must never downplay the significance of dreams and aspirations. Of all the things that you could possibly become, why does your heart pull you in specific directions? As one mark is achieved in life there always seems to be another which tattoos itself on your heart and harasses you until it is entertained.

This is because your life was not crafted with one concrete definition. There are many definitions that encompass you, so the need to identify with any defining thing that you've accomplished is to create a ceiling to your limitless human potential and ever-evolving nature. Every true desire of the heart is accompanied with a moment. This moment is a point in time that, when captured, will redefine the definition of who you are.

The key to being able to capture the moment is to be encompassed in the desire that overwhelms your heart... not too far behind or ahead, but in the NOW of the desire. Every one will collide head on with the moment that will
bring your hearts desires to pass, but a blind preparation must take place in order to capture the moment, or have it pass you by. Moments are precious gifts from spirit that you will either capture or have them pass you by.

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