Monday, December 22, 2008


The indicators that determine readiness to share leadership may appear to be a tall order, but a lot of principals will see that they are not far from the mark. To jumpstart progress toward creating a community of leaders, consider the following tips:
Identify strength areas. Capitalize on what is going well and make it better by leading with focus and intention. Begin conversations about teacher leadership with staff to help identify what is working. Identify areas for improvement. Select one indicator that needs work, and create a plan to develop that area. The first order of business might be to read up on the topic to become aware of important issues. Next, consider hiring a leadership coach to support further personal growth and leadership development. Use data to determine organizational needs. What do the data show about student learning at your school? What collaborative structures can be put in place to improve student learning? Is a School Leadership Team needed to work on school improvement issues? Will a study group help to further learning in the area of reading?
Embedding teacher leadership structures and processes in a school is no easy task. Principals are right to be thoughtful as they make the decision to move forward in sharing leadership. Possessing certain values, commitments, and understandings can be an indication that principals are ready to share leadership.

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