Tuesday, January 06, 2009

New Years Eve

Many thanks to all who attended our little shindig - the spirit of the evening was awesome. Having people still in the pool at 2am was great - nice to see people enjoy it as much as we do.

Also, by the images (thanks, mate) there's many drinks in people's hands - what does that say, I wonder?


My wife enjoyed two swims during the evening. I've never seen her dive in, or swim in her clothes, so thanks to the two people who encouraged her to partake in those swims.

May each day be better than the one before it,
May it be devoid of tears,
May it be filled with fun and laughter,
And just the right amount of beers.
May there be no pain or suffering,
May it bring all that you please,
May it be filled with the odd surprise,
Like a penguin covered in cheese.


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