Saturday, July 25, 2009

Go, Teacher, Go!

Sung to the rocking strains of Chuck Berry's Johnny B. Goode.

It's January already and there's no question about it; we're back and running again. It takes no time at all for the slow and lazy pace of summer to be overwhelmed by the quickened pace of school. On your mark…get set…hold onto your books and… Go!
Well I'm up and running in the morning, quarter past 5;
Gotta do a little planning just to stay alive.
Then I gulp a little breakfast and I'm off on a ride;
Get to school to make some copies -- the machines have died!
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooooo, Teacher, be good.
Gotta teach right through the morning and without a break.
Then I have to check my voice mail; that's a big mistake.
I could use a cup of coffee cause my energy's low,
But I gotta gotta meeting and I gotta go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooooo, Teacher, be good.
Well my stomach is a-grumblin'; I could use a snack,
But I gotta grade some papers, there's no time to slack.
I've got playground duty and detention, more than I can take.
And I really really really need a bathroom break.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooooo, Teacher, be good.
Well it's later in the day and I am almost done,
But the students are unruly and I'm not having fun.
I am tired and exhausted and my spirits are low,
But I gotta another meeting and I gotta go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooo, go, teacher, go.
Go, go-ooooo, Teacher, be good.

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