Monday, May 02, 2005

Forgetting to buy things

Have you ever taken a lot of time to put together an order – at a restaurant, when you’re shopping, when you’re renovating etc, only to receive what you asked for, then realise that there were some other things that you should have ordered?

This happens to me fairly often. I don’t know whether it’s absent-mindedness or whether it’s about getting something, then looking for ways to improve it.

Case in point: an order for car parts. I carefully listed everything that I wanted, emailed the order, got the quote and then paid for it on-line. Then, while out riding bicycles with my kids of all places, started thinking, “Well, I should get a grille badge too. And some bumper overriders. And some new legs for the rear spoiler. And some rubber gaskets for them. And some classic stripes.”

Anyway, now I have to get them, as part of the reason I’m doing the car over is to remedy some disappointments I had when I bought it 5 years ago.

I wonder what I’ll think of to buy today?

1 comment:

Nettie said...

Of course, thats's when the salespeople get you with all the things you would have never thought of. And I'm guilty of this.