Friday, June 24, 2005

Access to my site, no, not this one

Recently I heard that,
The internet was a refuge,
For the lunatics and the idiots,
And those obsessed with subterfuge.
So, I checked on my web tracker,
Seeking stats upon my site,
And how people found it,
The results were out of sight.
The first was "only cheers",
This I can understand,
"Cheers" is a word I often use,
As "goodbye" is far more bland.
But "feasting on bubes" was worrisome,
Of it I have no comprehension,
But if it's what I think it is,
The person needs home detention.
A search for "guitar sheet music",
Now, that's a great link,
It shows my artistic side,
A compliment, I think.
Hang on - "compulsive liar poem"?
My character is now slurred,
The line between "artistic" and the truth,
Is being rather blurred.
Then "middle aged fat bastard",
It let me rather sore,
The internet isn't for idiots,
It's the truth and nothing more.


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