Thursday, June 30, 2005

All alone

Have you ever felt that you were strange and that you were all alone?

The good news is that you probably aren't the strange one. You just need to look for other people like yourself.

SInce rebuilding my car I have not been surprised by the negative reaction that I have received. I'm not surprised because those very same people have been negative about it all along. Comments that include references to mid-life crises, environmental vandalism, self-absorption and penis envy have been common.

Last night I responded to an ad for people who share an enthusiasm for similar cars. I met seven of the most wonderful people, of differing ages, from all walks of life. We talked about cars and other things, shared many alughs and are moving towards a club idea, where we can go on runs and involve our families. Then, they can share our enthusiasm, but perhaps on a different level.

I don't feel alone in this interest now. Those people who were negative don't get why you do things. Probably because anything outside of their limited range of approved interests and ideas isn't worhty of consideration. And neither are they.


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