Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Seek union over separation

"Beliefs separate. Loving thoughts unite." -- Paul Ferrini

Our ego focuses on how we are different from the rest of the world. Our soul lives when we experience how we are the same.
Any time you separate yourself from other people or from situations, you know your personality is in control. At such times, shift your perspective to build connection and you will move into soul.
As our picture of life becomes larger, more things make sense and we have a greater playing field for life to unfold -naturally.

"As a holistic being you shatter the illusion of your separateness and reveal your connection to everything. This empowers you in a way that the ego-driven self could never contemplate." -- Wayne Dyer

1 comment:

Ymir said...

Thanks mate. It's always good to hear from people.

All the best.