Monday, July 04, 2005

Bird Tales

Today I went into the back yard to find a magpie. It wasn’t one that I recognised, as we have four that hand around our place and I care enough about them to be able to remember what they look like – their markings are really quite different. I have grown quite fond of the parents and they seem to be good magpie parents, raising young ones at regular intervals. They have also become quite used to me, taking food from me when I remember to put it out.
Back to strange one in the back yard. It didn’t seem "right", so I approached it for a closer look. It had obviously been attacked, as one leg was quite badly injured and its feathers seemed scruffy. I took pity on it and went inside to get some meat for it. As soon as I gave it the meat, the resident magpies all swooped in and attacked it. Their cries and the cries of the injured bird brought in more magpies. The resident magpies then attacked them and chased them off, then they returned to attacking the injured bird.

I was surprised to see the birds which I have become quite trusting of be so seemingly vicious. I guess I can’t comprehend why they were so aggressive – probably defending their territory. I wonder if they look at me and not be able to work me out? Perhaps I’m attributing too much to some birds…


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