Monday, July 18, 2005

A Few of My Favourite Lines(To the tune of My Favourite Things)

Careless, unfocused, does not pay attention;
Homework is sloppy;
there's more…dare I mention?
These are a few of my favorite lines,
I cut and paste them at least thirty times.
Focused, productive, and so conscientious;
Fully prepared, and is never pretentious…
These are the fun ones I save until last,
If there were more it would be such a blast.

Writing comments is demanding,
Rarely seems like fun.
I know I must do it,
so I hunker down.
I'm so glad when they are done.

Writing those comments is so time consuming,
Procrastinate when the deadline is looming.
Some are so difficult, some are a breeze.
Then there're the ones I make sure no one sees.

Rude and disruptive, obnoxious, sarcastic,
Needs consequences that might seem too drastic.
Parents are nasty, don't cooperate,
Always maintaining their kid is so great.

When my comments are not finished,
And they're overdue,
I cut and I paste and I change a few names,
And then I can say I'm through.

Song lyrics copyright 2005 Eric Baylin

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