Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bright ideas for this week

One Principal aimed at capitalizing on the excitement, energy, and new ideas with which many teachers start the school year. She gave each staff member a sheet of paper, a pen, and a legal-size envelope. She asked them to write down three goals they had for themselves for the year. She asked them to write one goal they really wanted to accomplish in the area of home/parent communication; one personal-wellness goal; and one colleague-support goal.

Teachers and other staff members wrote their goals and sealed them in their envelopes. They then wrote their names on the outside of the envelopes. The Principal kept the envelopes -- unopened -- in her office until the start of the second half of the year. Then she brought them out again and asked the staff to review their three goals and consider what they've done to accomplish them. She had them note actions they hoped to take toward their goals in the second half of the year. The envelopes get sealed up again and pulled out at the end of the school year for individuals to review. This approach gave staff a chance to set goals, get re-focused mid year, and then review their commitment at the end of the year. The Principal never read the goals or the notes about progress, but used this tool as one way to help folks keep themselves focused and accountable for three positive things.

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