Sunday, August 26, 2007

Thoughts Become Things... They Really Do!

By Josh Hinds

As I'm writing this I'm looking at my vision board (if you're not familiar with what that is, don't fret, I'll touch on it more below).

On it are several things (goals) I want to see manifest in my life. At the top it reads very simply... 'Vision Board -- with the saying, "Thoughts Become things". By the way, I'm fully aware that some folks would read that and make the assumption that just because a person thinks they want something, and give thought to it, that it is simply not enough to necessarily achieve it. To which I would concede, that's partially true.

Now here's the rub... Assuming that's true, that the thoughts and ideas we focus on most become real and tend to show up in our lives it's worth pointing out that the old saying doesn't discriminate. Listen up, because it's that important. Here's what I am saying... if you're focused in on negative things, you're going to see negative results and events creep into your life. Just the same as if you were focused in on positive things or events.

Unfortunately, the reality is that it works both ways.

So assuming you'll concede that our dominant thoughts (either positive or negative) tend to become our reality -- doesn't it make sense to think (and take action on) the things you want to see in your life, rather than those you don't? Remember, either way you're going to get something... so it might as well be of your choosing don't you agree? :-)

Now before you think I've broken my promise from above to cover vision boards, here's a quick overview, it's by no means exhaustive, but I think it's worth mentioning in case you're not familiar with them. First, there are any number of ways to make your vision
board as elaborate as you'd like. I won't attempt to say you have to include all the bells and whistles on yours for it to be effective. It's a personal preference.

Personally, I'd have to admit that the one I'm currently looking at of mine is pretty blah -- but it isn't the design or layout that's powerful, it's the thoughts/things that are on it. It's a piece of cut out cardboard where I have included some written goals and pictures which represent the things I'd like to see transpire in my life.

Again, it's not particularly attractive, but that's not really the point. What is important is that when I focus on those things on my vision board, my mind can more easily go to work doing the things which will drive me towards taking the necessary actions which are needed if I want to see those things become a reality.
Vision boards work, because they help to keep us plugged into those things which we want to achieve. But like anything, you can't just keep your vision board hidden away where you never see it. Think of it like a billboard, but instead of advertising (which are things others want you to notice) you're putting thoughts about your goals and dreams -- those things which are important to you into your mind on an ongoing basis.

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