Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bright ideas for this week

1. Have Staff room Beautification Days: These are fun. It's a time when your team can create a place they want to spend time in – this may include plants, posters and cushions etc. Furniture gets moved, walls painted, artwork renewed and areas are often created for relaxation and work. If you do this on a non teaching day - come dressed in casual attire and play music as you work. This day is always a great team builder.

2. Staff meetings running too long? Have Stand Up Meetings: Meetings are a necessity of the job .... To shorten meetings have all participants stand ... I guarantee the meeting will be the quickest, most efficient you have ever had!

3. Celebrate All the Little Wins: Celebrate everyday the work your teachers are doing every day. Even if its by simply acknowledging it. The work of a teacher is one of the most important jobs. Value it. Celebrate it.

4.Give to Receive: One way staff can keep their morale up was to send little positive, cheerful notes to each other. As teachers you give to students all day but what about team members. The fastest way to get a smile, is to give one. Random acts of kindness - just doing the little things to make people feel special, should not only be reserved for Christmas, Birthdays and Special Occasions. Make everyday special.

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