Friday, September 21, 2007


I live in Florida in an area that is famous for its shells. Many tourists wake up at 5:00 in the morning to find the best shells. Living here, we have learned where to find the best shells and how to look for them. A lot of tourists spend time walking up and down the shore on the same beach and they don't tend to find very interesting stuff. And I figure, since I live here, there's no real point in looking for shells for myself since I already have a big collection. So, whenever I find really nice shells (and sand dollars- those are not easy to find but are in high demand), I go out at night and scatter them along the beach for some lucky tourist to find.

Once I saw a family find a really pretty sand dollar I had left and they were so excited! It made their vacation. Plus, they were from Europe and they had travelled a long way for their vacation. I was so glad that someone deserving got my little gift! I'll continue to leave more shells along the beach whenever I can!

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