Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Winning Philosophy

from Matthew C. Horne

A person's philosophy embodies who they are and validates their standing in life. Your personal philosophy is based solely on your life experiences, and the results you've attained thus far. Ask yourself, do you have the results you want in all areas of your life? If you do then thanks for reading this far,
and I'll see you next time... just kidding :-) If not, then a change in philosophy is needed to achieve the goals you envision for yourself.

In all actuality, you're success will never exceed your personal philosophy. The story in your mind concerning your limitless possibilities is what enables you to soar to unseen heights in life. If the results in your life don't match with the desires of your heart, then a change must be made. This change is as simple as adopting the philosophy of someone who is doing what you envision yourself doing at the level which you envision yourself operating at.

The average man has difficulty asking for directions when he's lost on the road. This too holds true when a man is lost in life! Adopting someone else's philosophy is submitting to the results they have on their life and believing it will be duplicated in yours.

The Bible says "pride goeth before destruction." Yes, pride will allow you to think your way of doing things, which hasn't gotten you the results you want out of life, will somehow work for you one day. Destruction will manifest itself in the form of you never becoming what your Creator has intended you to be.

Any uncommon act of humility is a prelude to incredible increase. Realizing your way isn't working and adopting the philosophy of someone who's doing it at the level you want to, is an uncommon act of humility. You'll find that it also is a gateway to incredible increase as the results that once eluded you will begin to actualize themselves.

When you adopt a person's philosophy, you order from their menu so to speak. You can have whatever they've accomplished.

There's a basketball player named Kobe Bryant who was ridiculed when he first entered the NBA for his undeniable imitation of Michael Jordan. His on and off the court characteristics exemplified Mike to an unmistakable degree. He was called names like "Heir Jordan," "Carbon Copy Mike." Something strange happened... he began to perpetuate the same accomplishments of the man he imitated... the rings, the MVP's, the dunk contest championship.

Something even stranger is happening. When I watch Kobe Bryant now, I don't see that "Carbon Copy Mike;" I see the player we've come to know as Kobe Bryant. I see less and less of Michael Jordan and more and more of Kobe Bryant, but more and more of Mike's accomplishments. He's emerged into his own identity through humbling himself and adopting the philosophy of a person who was doing what
he envisioned himself doing at the level he wanted to do it.

Success does not come through innovation; success is in duplication! Through duplication you'll find YOUR true identity. There is always someone who's already done it! Incline your eyes and ears to the clues the Universe sets before you, and your success is right there for the taking!

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