Thursday, October 21, 2004

7 Great Reasons Why Fresh Fruit Should Be Eaten In Your Office

Why do we persist with biscuits for our school visitors- isn’t it about time we placed an apple on every desk.

7 Great Reasons Why Fresh Fruit Should Be Eaten In Your Office

1. Fruit consists largely of water, just like the human body does - 80% of our body is water, same with most fruit! If you think about it, it's logical for the human body to consume food that contains as much water as the body itself. The nutrition that meets that requirement is fruit. There is no other food than fruit on this planet that contains on average 80% water.

2. Fruit is 100% bad-cholesterol free - No doubt about this argument. Too much bad-cholesterol is not good for our bodies and fruit doesn't contain bad-cholesterol. Animal products like meat and dairy contain a lot of bad-cholesterol.

3. Fruit stimulates the memory - If you didn’t know yet: fruit is the ultimate brain fuel. Fruit has a positive effect on our brains. The way this works still has to be found out and many scientists are looking into it presently. What we do know is that if you consume fruit effectively, your brains can recall information faster and more easily.

4. Fibre - We do know that a diet with plenty of fibre helps prevent obesity, high blood pressure, and other factors that increase the chance for heart disease. And the food that contains these healthy (natural) fibres is.... you guessed it - fruit!

5. Fruit makes you feel better - Research shows that people who are frequently depressed, get out of their depression slowly, but surely, after consuming substantial amounts of fresh fruit on a regular basis. Don't forget to eat fruit on an empty stomach, and 20 minutes before the consumption of other meals. This way the fruit will not ferment in your stomach and the nutritious elements can be absorbed by the blood effectively.

6. Promoting healthy eating habits in the workplace offers numerous benefits for a company, including cost benefits through increased productivity. This may be through:
Decreasing absenteeism
Decreasing staff recruitment and training costs through reduced staff turnover
Improving employees ability to perform through improved health and morale
Reducing the number of worker compensation claims
An enhanced company image influencing future customers and employees
Increased employee loyalty and commitment.

7. Improving Morale and Well-Being - Company attitude surveys provide evidence that health promotion is viewed by workers as one of the most valued, tangible benefits. Employees appreciate the personal interest shown in them by companies conducting health promotion programs, and can help improve employee attitudes to work and reduce absenteeism.

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