Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Week that Was

This week I had the dubious pleasure of going to our capital city (of this state) to work on a panal to select principals for small schools. I say "dubious" because although I love the process and I enjoy seeing the great things going on in schools all over the state, I've come to the realisation that I'm not a big city boy.

The rpice of food. The people on street corners who accost you to save the rainforest of employ doctors in Iveneverheardofthatzikstan. One person had filled in an application of an American Express card for me and wanted me to sign it. One person wanted to borrow a moment of my time. When he finished his spiel I asked for my moment back. One person wanted me to help the koalas. I told him that I had five acres of land and that the koalas kep me awake at night. I was helping them by giving them a place to live. Then I asked him what he was doing to help them.

Anyway, I'm home with my beautiful girls, celebrating my wife's birthday. You've got love Chanel No. 5.


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