Thursday, October 21, 2004

I was watching Sixty Minutes last night and one the stories was centred around a little girl, who was struck by a car when it smashed into her day care centre. Burns to 85% of her bodies, losing both feet, some finger and an ear. And as the father spoke he told of how the medical team told him there would be no shame in letting her pass on. He wept as he said that he could never do that.

Neither could I. I cried with him. Not surprisingly, I dreamt some crazy dreams that night. The most vivid was of our eldest daughter being taken and me finding her some years later. She had been raised with another child and didn’t remember me. Yes, I know there’s a movie about that very theme.

All of this just served to reinforce with me that I am very emotionally bonded to my family. Maybe that’s good, or bad, depending on your point of view.

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