Sunday, October 03, 2004

Sleep deprivation is never pretty.

My wife had a lingerie party last night. The agent comes over and you get together a group of your friends. Based upon what people buy at the party, the person hosting the party gets a commission. I grabbed our kids and hid away on one of the bedrooms. What amuses me is that the party went on until well past 1 o’clock. Uproarious laugher was frequently heard, most of the jokes being about men. Not that I have a problem with that. What I find interesting is that how much of the laughter was about men not helping around the house. Then, when I blearily climbed out of bed at 6, as our eldest was up, I found all manner of hell in the form of tidying and washing up to be done. Irony?

Today is also the grand final of the rugby league season. This is the least excited I’ve ever been. Firstly, two teams are playing that I don’t particularly like. Secondly, usually there’s a David and Goliath story, but this year the teams are very similar. Thirdly, in its infinite wisdom, the governing body has the match on a Sunday night. Once upon a time it was in the afternoon, so you could have a few cold ones watching the lead-up games and have plenty of time to get yourself in order for work the next day. Now, that would not be a good thing to attempt.

In any case, I’m just sounding cranky today. Perhaps it’s going to work tomorrow after two weeks holiday that’s crowding in.

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