Tuesday, October 05, 2004


It takes courage (for school leaders) to risk making contact, apologizing for mistakes and facing discrepancies in perspective together; it takes awareness and courage to counterintuitively move toward the 'danger' (Maurer, 1995) of one's own fears and to make meaningful contact in relationship with those from whom leaders are traditionally isolated in bureaucratic hierarchies. In order to break free of the emotional mechanisms inherent in the enculturation ( Marshall and Greenfield, 1987) for privilege inherent in the self-replicating iron cage (Weber, 1958 : 181) of bureaucracy, leaders must break the emotional hold of hierarchical images of leadership that make relational leadership ( Regan and Brooks, 1995) so difficult to achieve. It will take commitment - to seek out and create whatever sources of support leaders may need in order to accomplish these objectives; to ask teachers for what they need and want from them, allowing themselves to be authentic and 'human" and providing the basis for the beginnings of relationship' recognizing that teachers can and must assist and support leaders too, in emotional as well as organizational ways if new ways of being in schools and in life are to be discovered.

What do you think?

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