Thursday, March 31, 2005

Damn the time vortex

I just sat down to do one simple thing and I have wiled away hours doing all manner of other things (most of which I have been putting off, so it isn't all bad).

Time management is a skill that we all have, but some of us are better at it than others - depending on what you'd see as "better". All manner of stereotypes can be inserted here - from the busy, yet overworked person with no life; to the happy bum that never does anything; and anywhere in between.

I guess it's like the saying that "money can't buy you happiness". I'd like to be kinda rich and sorta moody.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Plot Twists 2

I got to see "The Stepford Wives" today and again, pretty much picked the plot.

But I was caught out at the end by one persaon not being who I thought he was - I thought that they both were going to be conventional, or that if one of them wasn't, it would be her.

The ending was great, though.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Plot Twists

Movie makers have been putting twists in the plot since the first opportunity presented itself. I think.

My favourite example is "The Sixth Sense". Most people I talk to state that they knew what was happening all along. Well, I didn't. I'm either the dumbest person on the planet or among a few honest ones.

Today I saw "The Village" by the same person who did the aforementioned movie. Because I was familiar with what had happened in "The Sixth Sense" I pretty much guessed what was coming. This made the movie a bit less enjoyable. So, are other people in the same situation - not getting "caught" quite so often? Is this a bit disappointing? Are movies going to become so convoluted in an effort to "catch" the audience that we'll need Ph Ds to decode them?

I hope not - I want to watch a movie to shut down and enjoy what I see - not spend hours trying to break it down.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Late Breaking News

It seems that the Easter Bunny is sponsored by Weight Watchers. That's how the oversized rodent can afford all of the eggs.

Take all the chocolate out of this house before I can no longer fit.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Today I met a person with passion. I was getting a quote on having the rust removed from my car. The person I met was so passionate about his job that I stood there grinning at him.

He went on about how he used certain products to prmote longevity of the wor; about how he would rust-proff the areas so the would last longer; about how it's nice to work on old cars due to their simplicity of design; about how whilst he had paint in the gun he'd paint the whole car; about how he's go about painting it; about some subtle ideas he had about making some body mods. He then stook me around the workshop toshow me some other stuff he was doing. Good God, this man is talented.

It was a nice change from the other places, who said, "Rust repairs are not something we do - we only like smash repair work," to the other places who said, "We'll quote, but as this stops us doing real work, you won't pick us, because we'll be too expensive."

It's nice to meet someone with passion.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

More Brilliance

Something always happens to come crashing down.
We were speaking of fun and happiness
And then he brought her up
A choke ran through his voice.
He signed off,
Less than five minutes later.
Just off the phone,
Telling me that I would be the only one.
Talking online,
She gets brought up again
Tears sting me again,
I haven’t cried in over a week
My heart hurts again,
A way that I never wanted to again
He yearns for her,
Tells me he wants me.
Tell him that I’ll be there in any way I can.
He signs off.


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Decision Made

For some time now I've been deciding what to do about an old friend - my car. Built in 1970, there's some issues that old cars get - rust, general wear, outdated technology etc.

I've looked at buying something else, but just can't do it - new cars are too expensive, buying another old one just means inheriting probably the very same problems...

So, the old jigger's going to get a facelift.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

A Nice Piece of Work

I'd like to share a poem with you, from an aquaintance:

I'm riding backwards out of context
Living a lie that I believe
But in the cold nights I can see clearly
There's noone here with me

I left it alone for so long
I thought that it was gone
But ghosts come back to haunt me
When old lovers come back and want me
Just one more time for old times' sake
As long as you're gone in the morning

I'm stuck in motion going nowhere
Looking for a better way
'Cause I'm tired of the cycle
Reverse - rewind - replay

There's a peace I just can't find
With Monday morning on my mind
And the dreams come back to haunt me
Where old lovers come back and taunt me
Just one more time for old times' sake
As long as you're gone in the morning

I'm in transit with eyes wide open
Taking in the scenery
I can feel it - somebody somewhere
Has got it in for me

Everyone I've ever hated
Tells me love is overrated
But the ghosts come back to haunt me
And old lovers come back to taunt me
Just one more time for old times' sake
And we'll be forgotten by morning


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Labour Saving

Mobile phones, PDAs, laptop computers. They’re all labour saving devices. They enable us to work on the go and have more leisure time. I even remember a forecast boom in the leisure industry, with people being encouraged to train in those areas, because there would be a demand for such people.

So, why don’t we seem to have any more leisure time?

Because we can take our work with us, that’s why. It seems that the wok hours haven’t changed, but the location may vary. We are infinitely more contactable. People shoot emails and then don’t have to have contact with a human. Send it and it will be done by the person on the other end. This has resulted in a condition that occurs whenever something is a “shared responsibility”.

No-one then takes responsibility, for there is no ownership.

Turn off your phone, leave the laptop at work and walk out at a respectable hour each day. Your family will thank you and there’s a good chance your own body will, too.

Poor timing?

Recently something happened which took far too long to repair, with poor service on the part of the repairers and involving lots of blame shifting. Ironically, I was then sent an email asking about my satisfaction with the way the issue had been handled.

No sooner had I sent the email, than the thing broke down again.

Oh, and it was the email service that was broken.

Spoiling Star Wars

Being middle-aged, I have a particular fondness for the Star Wars movies. I remember going to the movies to see each of the first three, which ended up being the second three …

In any case, each of the movies, all five, have been hotly anticipated in terms of how the story line is fleshed out. Which makes an inside peek at the sixth, or third, movie almost irresistible.

Want some heavy spoilers?

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Zen moodiness

It’s not all about what we see. It’s not all about what we intend.

Everything is about everything.

We intend to behave in a certain way around people, but that intent is lost in the way that we actually behave. Nuances of expression, body language, the words used all conspire to give a different impression than that which we intended. Add to this the other person’s interpretations of these, which is based on how they’re feeling, your previous interactions with them, their previous interactions with other people, ad infinitum, then throw in our regular inability to clearly express what we’re feeling and I’m left wondering how we ever communicate effectively at all.

All we can hope to achieve is a level of self-awareness, understanding and empathy that will enable us to consciously shape our interactions with others.

Monday, March 14, 2005


It’s amazing how much you miss something when it’s gone. Perhaps that should read, “It’s amazing how much you appreciate something too late”.

Find a few special people and tell them what they mean to you. You may never get another chance.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Love is a wild animal,
It breathes you, it looks for you,
It nests upon broken hearts
and goes hunting when there are kisses and candles.
It sucks tightly on your lips,
and digs tunnels through your ribs,
It drops softly like snow.
First it gets hot then cold in the end it hurts.
Everyone just wants to tame you.
Love - in the end,
caught between your teeth.
Love is a wild animal.
It bites and scratches and steps towards me.
It holds me tightly with a thousand arms
and drags me into its love nest.
It devours me completely,
and retches me back out after many years.
It drops softly like snow.
First it gets hot then cold in the end it hurts.
Everyone just wants to tame you.
Love - in the end
caught between your teeth.
Love is a wild animal.
You fall into its trap.
It stares into your eyes.
Spellbound when its gaze hits you.
Please, please give me poison.

Friday, March 04, 2005


Memory was something you lost with age
An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity
A keyboard was a piano
A web was a spider's home
A virus was the flu
A CD was a bank account
A hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
And if you had a 3 inch floppy. ... ……………..