Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Today I met a person with passion. I was getting a quote on having the rust removed from my car. The person I met was so passionate about his job that I stood there grinning at him.

He went on about how he used certain products to prmote longevity of the wor; about how he would rust-proff the areas so the would last longer; about how it's nice to work on old cars due to their simplicity of design; about how whilst he had paint in the gun he'd paint the whole car; about how he's go about painting it; about some subtle ideas he had about making some body mods. He then stook me around the workshop toshow me some other stuff he was doing. Good God, this man is talented.

It was a nice change from the other places, who said, "Rust repairs are not something we do - we only like smash repair work," to the other places who said, "We'll quote, but as this stops us doing real work, you won't pick us, because we'll be too expensive."

It's nice to meet someone with passion.

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