Thursday, March 17, 2005

Labour Saving

Mobile phones, PDAs, laptop computers. They’re all labour saving devices. They enable us to work on the go and have more leisure time. I even remember a forecast boom in the leisure industry, with people being encouraged to train in those areas, because there would be a demand for such people.

So, why don’t we seem to have any more leisure time?

Because we can take our work with us, that’s why. It seems that the wok hours haven’t changed, but the location may vary. We are infinitely more contactable. People shoot emails and then don’t have to have contact with a human. Send it and it will be done by the person on the other end. This has resulted in a condition that occurs whenever something is a “shared responsibility”.

No-one then takes responsibility, for there is no ownership.

Turn off your phone, leave the laptop at work and walk out at a respectable hour each day. Your family will thank you and there’s a good chance your own body will, too.

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