Thursday, August 04, 2005

20 Greetings

I’m not coming in today,
I’m not coming in today,
She’s always such an emotional wreck,
Good morning,
I can’t find a pen that works,
Good morning,
It’s cold out here,
Why do they get here so early?
They gave me the call. I’m in.
I’m keeping him home today,
Did you get that email?
Do you know what happened?
Good morning,
I’ve got my bag all ready,
Is that area out of bounds?
I’ve got new shoes. They’re sparkly,
I don’t like the cold.

I don’t know if it’s poetry, or art, but I just wrote down the first 20 things that people said to me at work this morning. It’s interesting what people say and when you take them out of context, then throw them together. It’s funny how they interact.

1 comment:

Ymir said...

Hi Christopher - thanks for your great comments.

I'm on my way to have a look at yours!

Cheers, and thanks again!