Monday, August 08, 2005


There was once a seventy year old man who lived in Athens Greece. In his retirement, he was more active than ever he was in his youth. His years of introspection and self-searching, he realized, must be shared if he were to succeed in any great accomplishment. The older inhabitants of Greece were caught up in their own lives and the cares of living. In time, he finally came to focus upon the young minds of Greece. He wanted to share his findings with the young men and children, so that they could make use of his studies earlier than ever he had been able, and so he sought out every child whom would come to him. His passion in his beliefs empowered him to attract all the children of the community to his sharing discussions. The children came to believe in him, and in time, it was they who sought him out. Their reverence of his passionate teachings revealed itself in their desire to sit at his feet and to reach out and touch him or hold his hand.

His teachings led him to travel the streets of many other cities, and eventually he was known far and wide. Children, everywhere, responded to his dedication to them and his passion toward his beliefs. He was accepted as The Authority, in their minds. It was not long until he became known as the teacher of the youth.

The parents and authorities distrusted this man with such ability to consume the minds of the youth. In a time of much ignorance found in the common man, this man shone forth as a beacon upon a hill. His stories inspired the children and fed their minds with confidence and knowledge. They learned of their self worth and this awareness fed the flames of jealousy in the self-centred minds of the adults. Eventually, the adults decided to bring charges against him hoping to free the grasp that he had upon the minds of the youth. Whenever they were unable to dislodge their confidence they decided to condemn him to death. Their counsels were formed and there was no argument that could persuade his self-appointed judges to believe any different. The children argued in his defence, repeating the honourable loving teachings that he had shared with him, without success. The children cried and their hearts were broken, but they could not dissuade the adults from their irrationality. It had already been determined that he must die. It was wrong for him to have such power over their minds.

Hemlock was administered to him, and its creeping poison slowly sought his heart. His last breaths were spent upon his children. He encouraged them to believe in themselves, to continue his teachings, and share his love.

There was one child there, who passionately determined that he would continue the teachings of his mentor. His love for the old man and the passion of his beliefs inspired him to pursue his own path toward awareness. He left there and travelled all the ancient world seeking to discover all the hidden mysteries of life. Many, many years passed before his return to his home, but upon his return, he recorded all of his knowledge and learnings. His own experiences and teachings were to become the definition of the age that he lived in. The age became known as the Golden Age and today, centuries later, his philosophies are still traditionally taught to the minds of our youth at all of the higher institutions for learning.

The seventy year old teacher was Socrates, and his student, who went on to follow in his footsteps... was Plato. They are now known as the greatest minds of philosophy.

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