Wednesday, August 03, 2005


You guided me through pain and joy,
Kept my interest close at hand,
You challenged me with just a word,
You could always understand.
I looked up to your steadfast belief,
That people were inherently good,
You refused to let people just give up,
And they knew just where they stood.
You challenged me to be a better person,
That about others it was good to care,
But now when I need you most,
I reach and you’re not there.
I know why you’ve left us,
You’ve been shunned again,
I know that you’re better off,
But that doesn’t ease my pain.
I’ll go on believing your messages,
Keeping them in every thought,
I know that people can learn from me,
The things that me you taught.
And one day those many people,
Will have to do without me,
But they will go on as I am,
Sharing empathy.

A dear friend chose to leave his profession. Well, he was pushed. He challenged me, mentored me, listened, gave advice and was a voice of reason and perspective. He was my boss and I learnt so much from him.


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