Tuesday, August 16, 2005


In the middle of the road this morning,
Was a discarded drink can,
Guided by external forces,
It could never understand.
Cars went in both directions,
At intervals randomly spaced,
The turbulence that they created,
Were like invisible hands placed,
Upon the can in the middle of the road,
Ushering it from side to side,
Flirting with destruction every moment,
Only to be pushed aside,
By the next car rushing past,
Drivers, of course didn’t care,
But of this helpless, inanimate object,
I was only too aware.
It needed to be saved from destruction,
I stopped my careless ride,
And rescued the can from its fate,
It was now safe inside.
For the day it lazed contentedly,
Warm in the winter sun,
Its fate was now more assured,
Not over before it had begun.
That afternoon we went home early,
The can I left in place,
I would find a special residence,
Where of danger there would be no trace.
My daughters are two helpful souls,
They are the best by far,
So they decided to surprise me,
And tidy up my car.
They vacuumed the interior,
Making an awful din,
Then, found the can and flattened it,
And threw it in the bin.
The moral is really quite simple,
When your life is gone to Hell,
Even those with best intentions,
Can get you there as well.


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