Monday, November 27, 2006

Eunice Customer Buys a Used Car Loaded with Hemp

Sunday Nov 26 2006, 12:30am PDT Atul

Off late many people have been stressing on the advantages of buying a second hand car over the new ones. Each time you set out to buy a new car you do ponder over buying a second hand one too . If the latter thought prevails in your mind, I have a serious suggestion for you people, along with scrutinizing other facets of the second hand car you opt to buy , do check the area under the back seat because you never know what might be in store for you .

A Eunice customer bought a used car and to his surprise, found $28,000 worth of marijuana buried under that cars’ back seat. He had many options to choose from, but he chose the right way and contacted the police with immediate affect.

The buyer of this Hooch’ie car revealed that he bought it from Hobbs. The Lea County Drug Task Force has started investigating the matter and refused to conjecture as to why the ‘stuff’ was found in the car.

The authority also appreciated the purchaser for taking a correct action under the circumstances. He may have taken a correct action but, the next time around , if any of you maps a used car deal , make sure you show that dexterity at the very first go instead of realizing later that you bought a wagon loaded with Hemp .

Via : TopSpeed

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