Friday, November 10, 2006

Old Car Woes

My car has been ill-tempered for some time
But with old cars that’s not enough
To take them to the mechanic
For its then they sound so tough.
But, relent I did reluctantly
A leak in the exhaust so severe
That the dinosaur chewed through gasoline
And pedestrians lived in fear.
Now, two gaskets for the job were needed
Only one could be sourced in town
My mechanic scoured up and he scoured down
Our regional kind of town.
So, three days later it returned
For the second gasket to be installed
But, yet another problem surfaced
I was quite appalled.
The extractors were now leaking
And needed to be welded from the inside
This chase down the rabbit hole was wearying
But the mechanic I did not deride.
The ignition leads were also arcing
They do this when they’re old
And they need to be separated better
Well, at least this is what I’m told.
And now everything’s half fixed
More parts are on the way
It’s rough and under-powered
And booked in again next Thursday.
So, I’ve gone from a tough sounding car
That ran really quite well
To a problematic piece of machinery
That takes joy in giving me hell.
So, now from now on I’ll be content
With the old car – warts and all
For, even though it wasn’t perfect
At least when I drove it I had a ball.

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