Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Things you see that add to stress

We have a water feature in our back yard. At the moent I'm in a running battle with slime. It seems to have taken a liking to our pond. Whether the pump isn't pushing the water around enough, whether it gets too much organic material in it, or whether the plants in it are sliming up the water ... well, it's annoying.

Then, there's the TV. It suffers from as light colour change brought on by magnetic fields. My wife says that she can't see the change. The change is all I see. I've moved all the stereo compnents away, the cable tv set top box, the power boards ... but it's still there.

Surely the TV's own speakers can't be doing it?!

Both are things that I see often. Both make me cranky when I look at them. Well, frustrated at least.

Monday, November 29, 2004


Is there a better feeling than Sunday stretched out before you? So many options - going for a ride? watching tele? watching a DVD? playing some guitar?

The only better feeling would be Friday night perhaps?

Saturday, November 27, 2004


Technology seems to come in waves. mp3 certainly revolutionised the way we look at (listen to?) music and people have embraced the format and the various player technology.

It makes me excited to think of what will be happening in the next year/decade etc. People are such sensory creatures and it seems that we are taking advantage of this disposition.

What worries me a little is that a reliance on such technology might mean we lose the art of entertaining ourselves.

Thursday, November 25, 2004


Have you ever cheated? On anything? A test when you were at school? On your partner? This hasn't come from any guilty feelings on my part - I'm currently cheating, but writing this on another day, then posting it as today, so that's cheating, but I don't feel guilty, because if you read the fine print then you'll notice that this action is not outside the parameter of the Operating Principles of Ymirisms.

My point - I don't think I could cheat. I'd have a raised sore on my forehead that read "cheat" that people could see.

To those that can - good luck to you. But you realise you're hurting other people.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


After having a few cordials the night before, the timing was right for bacon and eggs for breakfast. We hadn't had bacon for a while and I was greatly anticipating this fatty feast.

Upon waking and shuffling off the clouded haze of sleep, I waded through my own dribble to the fridge.

Only to find that we didn't have any eggs.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Old car prices

I own a car that was made in 1970. That year, to qualify for the racing season, 300 special models were made of a road-going race car.
These were the Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 3s.

Over the intervening time their numbers have dwindled, yet some astute people put the ones that they owned away and loved them. They wear the original paint and have travelled a handful of miles.

Now they're being sold for $110 000.

Sure, you could build or buy a "better" car for much less. But you can't build a legend.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Christmas advertising

Does Christmas advertising start in February? It seems to get earlier each year.

I know much has been made of the commercialism of Christmas, so I won't make the points again here.

But it's still annoying.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


Each afternoon I put some seed out for the birds in our area. It has surprised me with the vehemence with which this action has been met when I tell people of it. The thinking goes that the birds will come to relky on me for their food and that I shouldn't be mucking with the natural order of things. I guess I won't tell them about the bread soaked in milk and covered with honey that I put out for the other birds.

What do I get out of it? I like seeing the birds come in. We'd get over 20 noisy minors, over 20 rainbow lorikeets, 10 pale headed rosellas, 30 crested pigeons, 20 cockatoos, 10 galahs, 4 ducks, 10 blue headed honey eaters etc. in any mix of the above. It's nice to see them.

I have a set amount I put out and don't ever increase it. The make-up of the birds changes from day to day, but doesn't seem to be increasing - I check.

So, I guess I'm bad. So shoot me.


eBay is the time vortex of our planet. I could spend hours trolling through the items, not really looking to buy abything, but marevelling at the stuff people have to sell.

It's also a remarkable trip down memory lane. Much of the "rare collectables" are items that we all had, but threw away. I guess that's why they're rare.

In any case, currently I'm looking at dragster bikes, DVDs (of course) and shirts. All of which you can never have enough.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Do you know where your childhood toys are? Did you keep any? Do you wish you had? Not to sell on eBay as collectables, but because of the bond that you had with them?

I still have a few of mine and cherish them. I look at the toys our children have and wonder which ones they hold dear and what I can do to see that they are saved. It’s an interesting exercise.

Thursday, November 18, 2004


I’m someone who really enjoys watching movies. It’s a rare thing for me to not enjoy a movie in some capacity. Sure, some of them I think are excellent, others just passable and others a bit below standard. But I’m somewhat perplexed at the growing ranks of amateur critics.

Such people seem never to enjoy a movie. Others refer to current movies as sub-standard, preferring older movies. What I’m saying is that I don’t understand such viewpoints. When I watch a movie, I’m looking to be entertained. This happens at various levels. If the movie isn’t of a high standard, I can still draw out elements of it that I enjoy. It also serves to make me appreciate what a good movie represents, so I enjoy good movies even more.

In any case, I don’t really know what point I’m trying to make. Maybe it’s simply that sometimes we need to relax a little more and enjoy life – not be critical in everything we do. Or, perhaps use that critical eye in a positive way to help us shape our experience, not knock it down.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Time at the trough

Next time you’re with a group of people who are having lunch together, take some time to see what they choose to eat. You can classify them as the “closet glutton who is behaving”, the “can’t resist fatty/sweet foods”, the” one with an eye on weight who lives on air and sunshine” – fondly termed “the plant”, the” fill up your plate until brimming and return quickly”, the “hog all the good stuff so no-one else gets it”, the “say and spray”, the “talk so much they miss out” etc.

Which one are you?

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Mowing can be a bit of a pain, merely because of the time that needs to be expended. For me, a mowing session in summer can last five hours per week. Call it “ride-on therapy”.

But it all looks so good when you’re done. Almost, not quite, satisfaction for the time expended.

Until next week.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

A Rescuing Hug

A set of twins were born and each placed into their respective incubators. One was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies together in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two threw an arm over her sister. The smaller baby’s heart rate stabilized and her temperature rose to normal.

Let us never forget to embrace those we love.

The hug is my favorite sign of affection.
It can mean so much,
and many things at the same time.
It can be a sign of love,
friendship, support, caring, c
omfort or anything.
So here you go.
All I can say it will do is brighten someone's day.
I mean, we all need a hug once in a while.
Goodness knows,
we could all REALLY use a hug sometimes.
Soooo enjoy your hug.... a
nd hug someone else today…..

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Behaviour and context

It amazes me how much of an effect context has on behaviour. This week I accompanied a group of Grade 7 (12 year old students) on a trip to our capital city. The days were jam-packed with activities, so they really had no time to scratch themselves. But their behaviour was excellent. People, be they the staff of a venue, or members of the public, would come to me and compliment me on the behaviour of the students.

Now, they’re not axe murderers. But they can engage in unlimited amount of hijinks. However, be they awed by the occasion, overcome by a wish to do the right thing, or merely to busy or tired to be silly, they were fantastic.

However, as soon as they returned to school, it was situation normal. Is it that they were intimidated by their surroundings, so when they returned to the familiar, so did their behaviour?

Interesting …

Sunday, November 07, 2004

I'm a bit naughty

I’m feeling a bit mischeivous today.

Just say you’re a painter and people often see your work. You’re used to the same people making the same comments. You suspect a lot of the comments are people being polite – which is not a bad thing. But one day, you slip in a red herring. A piece of work that can pass for one of yours, but done by someone infinitely more skilled than you’ll ever be.

The intent? Just to see the result. If the comments are the same, then the people commenting aren’t reliable critics. If they say that the work is better or worse, at least they’re noticing.

And if you’re busted? You smile and come clean.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Rain ... and sex

What is it about rain that makes us want sex? Or is it just me? You go to bed when it’s raining and the sound of it is just so relaxing. Plus, with us relying on rain to fill our tanks, it puts me is a good mood right away.

But I’ve always felt like this – the sound of rain, the smell, the freshness. It’s all good.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Music Night

A few nights ago our students got together to put on a concert we call “Music Night”. Represented were the Beginner Strings, String Ensemble and Concert Band. Without a doubt, this was the best such example of this evening, with the groups performing magnificently.

However, what was more important to me were the looks from the children – pride, excitement, glee, adrenaline, enjoyment, mischief, satisfaction, concentration etc. If ever you doubt the benefits of people learning instruments, I can assure you such doubts are unfounded.
Although, the Beginner Strings group clustered together so much I thought it might be a workplace safety issue with those bows flying around …

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Race that Stopped a Nation

No, not the U.S. presidency. Each year in Oz the Melbourne Cup is run in November. The race has reached icon status, with people whop know nothing about horses (me included) make bold and brazen tips about who will win the “big race”. People who never gamble suddenly place bets on the race. Offices run sweepstakes and people go to work wearing silly hats. At school, we organised a luncheon. My boss was there on other business, but even wore a paper pirate’s hat that was made for him out of our government education newspaper by one of the teachers.

Then, at a little past 2 p.m., people stop to watch the race.

All except me, distracted by the ongoing arguments between two groups of students, who use me as a tool to get back at each other. In any case, I had picked the winner, but didn’t place a bet. I like to win money, but I hate to lose it.

Monday, November 01, 2004


Last week at school there were some issues with student behaviour – it seemed that it was “silly season”.

Interestingly, the issues coincided with a full moon …