Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Race that Stopped a Nation

No, not the U.S. presidency. Each year in Oz the Melbourne Cup is run in November. The race has reached icon status, with people whop know nothing about horses (me included) make bold and brazen tips about who will win the “big race”. People who never gamble suddenly place bets on the race. Offices run sweepstakes and people go to work wearing silly hats. At school, we organised a luncheon. My boss was there on other business, but even wore a paper pirate’s hat that was made for him out of our government education newspaper by one of the teachers.

Then, at a little past 2 p.m., people stop to watch the race.

All except me, distracted by the ongoing arguments between two groups of students, who use me as a tool to get back at each other. In any case, I had picked the winner, but didn’t place a bet. I like to win money, but I hate to lose it.

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