Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Things you see that add to stress

We have a water feature in our back yard. At the moent I'm in a running battle with slime. It seems to have taken a liking to our pond. Whether the pump isn't pushing the water around enough, whether it gets too much organic material in it, or whether the plants in it are sliming up the water ... well, it's annoying.

Then, there's the TV. It suffers from as light colour change brought on by magnetic fields. My wife says that she can't see the change. The change is all I see. I've moved all the stereo compnents away, the cable tv set top box, the power boards ... but it's still there.

Surely the TV's own speakers can't be doing it?!

Both are things that I see often. Both make me cranky when I look at them. Well, frustrated at least.

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