Thursday, November 18, 2004


I’m someone who really enjoys watching movies. It’s a rare thing for me to not enjoy a movie in some capacity. Sure, some of them I think are excellent, others just passable and others a bit below standard. But I’m somewhat perplexed at the growing ranks of amateur critics.

Such people seem never to enjoy a movie. Others refer to current movies as sub-standard, preferring older movies. What I’m saying is that I don’t understand such viewpoints. When I watch a movie, I’m looking to be entertained. This happens at various levels. If the movie isn’t of a high standard, I can still draw out elements of it that I enjoy. It also serves to make me appreciate what a good movie represents, so I enjoy good movies even more.

In any case, I don’t really know what point I’m trying to make. Maybe it’s simply that sometimes we need to relax a little more and enjoy life – not be critical in everything we do. Or, perhaps use that critical eye in a positive way to help us shape our experience, not knock it down.

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