Saturday, November 20, 2004


Each afternoon I put some seed out for the birds in our area. It has surprised me with the vehemence with which this action has been met when I tell people of it. The thinking goes that the birds will come to relky on me for their food and that I shouldn't be mucking with the natural order of things. I guess I won't tell them about the bread soaked in milk and covered with honey that I put out for the other birds.

What do I get out of it? I like seeing the birds come in. We'd get over 20 noisy minors, over 20 rainbow lorikeets, 10 pale headed rosellas, 30 crested pigeons, 20 cockatoos, 10 galahs, 4 ducks, 10 blue headed honey eaters etc. in any mix of the above. It's nice to see them.

I have a set amount I put out and don't ever increase it. The make-up of the birds changes from day to day, but doesn't seem to be increasing - I check.

So, I guess I'm bad. So shoot me.

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