Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Behaviour and context

It amazes me how much of an effect context has on behaviour. This week I accompanied a group of Grade 7 (12 year old students) on a trip to our capital city. The days were jam-packed with activities, so they really had no time to scratch themselves. But their behaviour was excellent. People, be they the staff of a venue, or members of the public, would come to me and compliment me on the behaviour of the students.

Now, they’re not axe murderers. But they can engage in unlimited amount of hijinks. However, be they awed by the occasion, overcome by a wish to do the right thing, or merely to busy or tired to be silly, they were fantastic.

However, as soon as they returned to school, it was situation normal. Is it that they were intimidated by their surroundings, so when they returned to the familiar, so did their behaviour?

Interesting …

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