Monday, April 25, 2005


Always considered less fashionable,
In your brother’s shadow you must live,
Your body is the classic shape,
But a new face you I can give.
But after 35 years of Father Time,
The jackpot is hard to hit,
Finding the parts in any sort of state,
Is rare as rocking horse shit.
So, eBay was first port of call,
Assembling pieces from here and there,
One piece after frustrating piece,
Gathered with patience and great care.
Sifting through the excrement,
The pretenders and the liars,
The copies and the ripoffs,
And the potential wallet friers.
The over-priced and the perfect,
The ones so nearly missed,
The hunt that goes so very well,
That’s the definition of timeless bliss.
There were 38 pieces needed total,
And using places far and wide,
37 have come together,
And the thirty eighth I have just spied.
Some are pristine and perfect,
Others need polish and a little time,
Others need time with specialists,
To make them look sublime.
But the effort will be well worth it,
Now it’s time for panel and paint,
And your new face will be assembled,
I know I’ll see it and I’ll faint.

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