Sunday, April 03, 2005

I'm having so much trouble with posting to this blog today. Firstly, I was getting an error message "There were errors", so I kept trying to post the blog for today, ending up with 6 copies of it.

I thought I'd deleted them, but kept getting the same error message. But, when I looked, there were two left in the "edit Posts" section, but only one on the blog. I thought that I should leave well enough alone, because it seemd like the "edit Posts" section was "behind" what was showing on the blog.

So, despite my better judgement, I deleted the second one in the "edit Posts" section, only to lose the only copy left one the blog.


I should have trusted my instinct and left well enough alone. There's a message in there somewhere.

And I'm publishing this once and leaving it, regardless of what message I get.

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