Saturday, April 02, 2005


I have struggled for years to not fit into the male stereotype. I make all of opur lunches everyday, I mow the lawn (5 acres), I wash the dishes, I cook three nights of the week at least, I spend lots of time with our kids, I vaccuum the house, I keep the house, I iron my clothes and the kids' unoforms for school (but don't do all of the ironing) tidy etc etc. What burns me is the continuing stereotype of males.

Last night we were watching a tv program where some guys had gone to cooking school "He Cooks". They went for 8 weeks and they followed up the program with the guys cooking dinner for their wives. One guy went because he felt that he'd like to do more for his wife.

He cooked a great meal for her and served it to her. Her comment, "So, you cooked. When you go to "He Cleans", I'll be impressed."


I would have tipped it in her lap. This isn't about her being sexist, more, it frustrates me that with some people, nothing's ever good enough.

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