Monday, January 22, 2007

Jet powered series

I'll post these individually, as it'll be easier.

Apparently, human beings have an outlandish allure with strapping inestimably powerful jet engines into bits and pieces with most of them never developed for such impetus. But, this has nothing to do with the fanatical engineering brains of the world giving it a push. We have witnessed a number of jet-powered vehicles in the past that really woo us with fleetness and feat. Here is a list of top jet-powered vehicles that are ready to take your grit for an unforgettable terrific test drive.

M-97: Jet-powered Train Car

Named Black Beetle by the workers, this jet-enhanced train car ran on its track successfully in the year 1966. The team led by Don Wetzel tailored two General Electric J-47-19 jet engines, which had been intended as boosters for the Convair B-36 intercontinental bomber. The M-497 ran to a record speed at 183.85 miles per hour, an U.S rail-speed record that stands to this day.Ron Patrick’s jet-powered Honda scooter

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